In Late 1965. there was an incident that took place during an exchange activity by the Navy at Lake Mead Base, Nevada.
February 1966 A remedial plan was set By Col Jack Hughes and Staff that required increased QA Checks and a requirement for all crews in DASA to be initially certified and periodically be recertified on all maintenance activities assigned to Manzano Base.
Lt Col Caraveo and Maintenance Officer Major Mitchell Mickel assigned me the theater, E and M bays and rooms in old Plant #1 and three ex- Lowry AFB instructors, SSgt Charlie Vidmar, SSgt Erv Hill and SSgt John Thomas.
We four set up a classes on all weapons assigned to Site Able with Sandia Corporation Training's Charlie Allen , Al Hachigian and Gene Church. We went thru each of their lesson plans and visual aids and upon completion. Set up the required proficiency training courses at Manzano Base. All the Type 3 trainers were sent to Plant 1 and when classes were not in session the weapons were set up on display. We conducted guided tours to many visiting General Officers, Field grade and politicians.
We four were quite proud of the work we achieved. I have fond memories of the times we had and a million laughs brought on by the humor of Charlie Vidmar (God rest his soul.)
These men also attended Nuclear Emergency Team Training at Sandia and served with me on NET Team 1 as I recall Don Franklin was assigned NET Team 2.