As a former 463 and an Army Warrant officer in the same business (until the Army did away with them), when I was the NCOIC, as a SSGT, of the "Plant" at Loring, AFB. We was recalled early one morning, O-O-dark thirty, was on my way to work and the route took me by the "Q" and noticed nothing was there. I presumed it was an elephant walk. As I rounded the end of the flight line where the planes should have been, nothing was there????..... Scared the holly be-jesus out of me. Are we at war? Where are they (the alert birds)? Are we under attack gonna ge under attack? Why aren't we vaporized? Were just a the few polite questions I had for the controller. They other questions were not so polite because all he could say was, "I dunno". A-Typical control room idiot.
Found out why later that day. Can't say why here but, it was a scary situation..