Atomic Weapons Orientation Part Five - Effects of Atomic Weapons - 12:22 - This video shows the heat, blast, and radiation effects of a nuclear explosion on personnel (dummies), structures, and military equipment. The video is a compilation of numerous nuclear detonations in the atmospheric testing program, but does not identify each blast. All types of detonations, including underground, surface, near surface and high altitude are shown.

Atomic Weapons Orientation Part Six - A Special Weapon Orientation: The Thermonuclear Weapon - 29:12 - This video provides a history and the major developmental phases of the thermonuclear program up to May 1, 1956. The test operations of Greenhouse, Ivy and Castle are highlighted. The GEORGE test in Operation Greenhouse was the first thermonuclear test explosion. It was followed by the MIKE test in Operation Ivy, which used a liquid, or "wet" fuel. A wet fuel was very expensive, as it had to be super cooled until used. The first test in Operation Castle, BRAVO, used a dry fuel successfully, and that ended the debate over wet versus dry fuel.




NWTA Mailing Address

The NWTA mailing address has changed, as our Treasurer has moved from Missouri to New Mexico. This address will be valid for the next year, perhaps a bit longer.

The new address is:

c/o Neil Zampella
PO Box 897
Dexter NM 88230-0897